Eda Soylu - Remnants From My Grandmother's House


02.03.2018 - 14.04.2018

"Remnants From my Grandmother's House" is a way for Eda Soylu to comprehend the empty void left behind the departed, through a house, objects and shadows. As the artist fuses the relics from her grandmother's house with those within her memory, she poetically searches for the way to commemorate the departed through her belongings.

The artist observes the harmony of houses of grandmothers and realizes within this wholeness the presence of ragged curtains, a vase mended with tape, ripped wallpapers, broken wood carving of a chair, cracked but preserved plates. She defines these moments as brittleness, as she searches for a haven in this exhibition for the aching she carries within.

Soylu defines the core of her exhibition as, "The departed leaves with an empty void and melancholy behind. The weight of this situation had already downed in all around the house, the house already being aware of what is coming next. Perhaps, the house has fallen ill even before its inhabitant, a bit older now, a bit more rotten. At that point, repairs become more difficult; the house waits. As a property reflecting its owner, the house resembles its inhabitant and the inhabitant its dwelling; the house is broken. The fate of a person that lives in a broken house is certain; she or he will depart. Time becomes frozen, house remains muted."

In this exhibition, the artist pursues the slightest movements and the signs of life in the shadows, searching and finding the consolidation through objects in the shadows, where utterly she realizes that nothing actually is lost and no one actually departs. Within the bareness of the departed, its vulnerability and the things left behind "Remnants From my Grandmother's House" is a search to be able to see the shadows.

The exhibition can be seen between March 2 and April 14, 2018 at Mixer.

Click here to reach the exhibition text, written by the artist. 

Photo Credit: Utku Atalay

For Utku Atalay's short film on the exhibition, please click on the image.

For Utku Atalay's short film on the exhibition, please click on the image.