Bora Aşık



1990, Born in Istanbul

Lives and works in Istanbul


2015, Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts Painting Department

In the Second GIO Awards organized by FABİSAD in 2014, Bora won a success award with his short story named Hasat (Harvest). In 2015, he won the Everest Publications First Novel Award with his novel titled Geceyi Atlabilmek (Dodging The Night). His drawings exhibited in Mamut Art Project 2019.

“Language is the fuel of thinking.” Bora says. He is looking for ways to preserve the of this fuel as much as possible and reach beyond the 'reality presented to us. He believes we can only expand the limits of imagination with literature. “A timid elegance is hidden in our existence. We should not be content with the part leaking from the cracks...”