Lumin I Living Installation & Artifact I Faces


In December, Mixer is hosting the artists of DECOL community who create works in concurrence of digital art, nature and science, in the project room. With two separate openings, first, Ahmet Said Kaplan’s interactive digital experience “Lumin, Living Instalment”, will be followed by Hakan Gunduz’s “Artifact” exhibition. Both projects will be experienced with the participation of the audience will question ‘can artificial intelligence create an aesthetic expression by understanding emotions?’.


Lumin, Living Installation - Ahmet Said Kaplan

 6.12.2019 - 21.12.2019

Bioluminescence beings, in order to communicate with their surroundings, use the light that they spread. Among those beings, one of the most special ones, found only in the caves of New Zealand and the source of inspiration to the work, is the “Arachnocampa Luminosa”. Lumin Experience enables the visitors, while carrying them into the caves, to physically interact with the setting that is digitally simulated. Without containing a static video recorded or produced, this installation, just like Arachnocampa Luminosa producing light instantly without getting its power from any light source, lids by itself when interacted with the visitor. When the visitor leaves the room and if there is no interaction, it stops spreading light.

Opening at December 6th on Friday, In Lumin Living Installation experience, everything happens and progresses simultaneously with the interaction of visitors and does not repeat itself.

Artifact / Faces - Hakan Gündüz

27.12.2019 - 10.01.2020

Artifact is a human-machine interacted artificial intelligence implementation, which is designed to produce simultaneous images according to the changes of emotional states. Artifact, improved by Hakan Gunduz, who experiments with images that carry aesthetic vallue with artificial intelligence is trained with the machine learning technique by using a database that is filled with thousands of oil paintings.

Opening at December 27th on Friday, at the Artifact exhibition, there will be an anthology of paintings acquired through experiments on hallucination, expressing emotions and creating empathy of machines, and a video placement of a visual trip of machine hallucinations.


Lumin, Living Installation & Artifact / Faces


Lumin, Living Installation – Ahmet Said Kaplan December 6th, Friday

Artifact / Faces – Hakan Gündüz December 27th Friday, Cuma